- Proverbs from the Ndebele Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Ndebele Tribe Zimbabwe

The leopard eats by its spots.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The leopard licks its spots, both black and white.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The beast (cow) on the move does not eat all the grass.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The axe forgets, but the tree doesn't forget .

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The secretary bird dies with its feathers intact.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The thief is the one caught (in the act).

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The idler eats his idleness.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 


my african roots
African Hustler
Hangover "Babalas" Mug

To be stingy to another is to be stingy to yourself.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

He enters the wound like a maggot.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Marriage is dirty.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

He remained holding the tail of a dove.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

There is nothing bent that can not be straightened.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The blanket for carrying a child is not to be thrown away if the child dies.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Height is not be hurried.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The (ugly) hammer-head bird also admires himself (looking) in the water .

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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