- Proverbs from the Ndebele Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Ndebele Tribe Zimbabwe

There is no foot that does not stumble.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Water (river) does not give up its path.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Water (river) does not get tired of running.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The old milk calabash often smells of sour milk.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

A dog cannot look after another dog.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Even the lion when it is hungry, it will eat grass.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Death has no sense of shame.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 


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Hangover "Babalas" Mug

Death knows no orphan .

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Marriage is not determined through divination.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The sick person is the one looking for a doctor.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

A skin (animal hide) is folded whilst it is still wet .

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The feud arises from the ash.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

Kindness dies in the heart.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

It is the hungry one (dog) that barks, the one that is satisfied does not bark.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

The pool which once was full of water will fill again.

Ndebele Tribe Proverb, Zimbabwe 

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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