- Proverbs from the Shona Tribe, Zimbabwe -
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African Quotable Quotes: Shona Tribe of Zimbabwe 

A buffalo's grass is that which is in its stomach, it may die with grass in its mouth

Shona Tribe Proverb

What has been spilt has has been spilt, spilled water can't be collected

Shona Tribe Proverb

What falls into a dish is easy to collect

Shona Tribe Proverb

my african roots
African Hustler
Hangover "Babalas" Mug

Whoever sets mice-traps in the dirt cannot hesitate to have dirt on his bums.

Shona Tribe Proverb

One man cannot ambush an anthill.

Shona Tribe Proverb

Pumpkins fall to those who do not have pots

Shona Tribe Proverb

a list of more African Quotable Quotes are available here
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