St Peter's Diocesan School, Bulawayo |
St. Peter's School was opened in veld-like surroundings in Matebeleland, Bulawayo. In 1911, The St Peter's Diocesan school was founded by an Anglican order of nuns, the Community of the Resurrection of Our Lord, of Grahamstown, South Africa. The aim was to found a church school for European girls (St. Peter's Diocesan School) and an orphanage for European children (now St. Gabriel's). The advance guard lived in Bishop's Palace, a three-roomed wood and iron building......................Midst many tears, and considerable heart-break, the school closed its doors to students on 30 November 1977. Soaring costs and dwindling numbers of pupils had finally brought it to an end. In the words of one of the former students, "...there is no place like SPUDS, it had a soul.."
School Chapel |
Fletcher House |
School Block |
Sister Ethel |
Front of Admin Building - courtesy of Ms Val Freeman Shepperd |
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